Monday, March 15, 2010

Swap 20-23: Crosswords, Postcards and Letters; Oh my!

Hey guys,
So let me tell you what I've been up to Swap Wise.

Swap 20: A Buffy Crossword swap that I created. It was really fun to put together and do. I geeked out a little over the whole thing.

Swap 21: Sunrise PC swap. Pretty basic. Had to send out sunrise or sunset PC to two partners. It was fun. I can't wait to see what I get.

Swap 22: Animal PC swap. Same as sunrise but with animals.

Swap 23: Letters, Uncrafty but sincere. I had to send out two letters with no extras included. It was actually pretty difficult because I really wanted to add something. But yah. I hope they like them.

For my Famous people PC swap I got a Postcard today of Janis Joplin. :D

Well I guess that is about it. I really enjoyed my day off today. Work the next two so yah.. and the time switch really messed with my brain. Hope you are all doing well.

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