Monday, March 15, 2010

Swap 20-23: Crosswords, Postcards and Letters; Oh my!

Hey guys,
So let me tell you what I've been up to Swap Wise.

Swap 20: A Buffy Crossword swap that I created. It was really fun to put together and do. I geeked out a little over the whole thing.

Swap 21: Sunrise PC swap. Pretty basic. Had to send out sunrise or sunset PC to two partners. It was fun. I can't wait to see what I get.

Swap 22: Animal PC swap. Same as sunrise but with animals.

Swap 23: Letters, Uncrafty but sincere. I had to send out two letters with no extras included. It was actually pretty difficult because I really wanted to add something. But yah. I hope they like them.

For my Famous people PC swap I got a Postcard today of Janis Joplin. :D

Well I guess that is about it. I really enjoyed my day off today. Work the next two so yah.. and the time switch really messed with my brain. Hope you are all doing well.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Swaps # 17-19: Postcards and Recipes

Swap #17: Famous People Postcard = I actually created this one and we had to send a postcard with a famous person on it to two people. It was fun. I can't wait to see the cards that I get.

Swap #18: Mountain View Postcard = We had to send a postcard of a mountain to two partners. Since I just moved to the most beautiful place on earth were we are literally surrounded by mountains it was nice to share my land with some friends. I am looking forward to seeing other people's mountains.

Swap #19: T is for Tomato = Another e-recipe swap. I sent out three recipes with Tomatoes in them. I am waiting on three more people to send back... mmm I love collecting recipes.

Hope you are all doing well.
Love and Hugs.